Embrace Living with Reva: Qi Gong Class a Welcomed Chance to Rejuvenate

Residents at St. John’s Meadows take part in Qi Gong class every week.

Reva Sipser is an active resident of St. John’s Meadows who loves taking advantage of the various opportunities to get out and interact with her neighbors. She writes about many of her experiences for this blog so others can see how she embraces living. 

Qi Gong Class a Welcomed Chance to Rejuvenate

It’s a Wednesday morning. We inhale and exhale, bend and stretch. Sometimes we crouch like tigers, pounce like bears, and lift our arms like graceful cranes. The 25 members of our Qi Gong class are following directions by our inspiring leader, Raphaela McCormick as she explains which movements are beneficial to each organ of our body.

“Qi” means energy and “Gong” means practice. The various movements we perform are ancient Chinese exercises for health and healing. All parts of the body from head to toe, from spine to fingertips are gently energized while we also work to improve our balance.

After an hour of Qi Gong we’re relaxed and rejuvenated and wish the class could meet more often.

Reva Sipser,
St. John’s Meadows Resident

The Qi Gong class at St. John’s Meadows meets every Wednesday at 9:30 a.m.

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