2018 Road to Renovation
“From a small homes standpoint, the village square is about creating a community where residents, family, and staff can gather to share stories, relax, and visit with one another.”
– Joanne Braeunle
Big things are on the horizon for St. John’s Home. Construction on the ground floor of the Hastings building will begin this year. The finished renovations will include a “village square” that surrounds the outdoor courtyard. The space will be renovated into a flexible, multipurpose programming space where residents and families can play games, do puzzles, and watch movies among other activities. “It will be very visible, so that when residents see things, they will want to participate,” states Joanne Braeunle, corporate strategy officer.
“We are continuing to refine renovation plans,” Joanne continues. “As resources become available, we will continue to move towards a complete small homes model throughout the campus.” The Reservoir building is almost completely renovated, with Hastings and South being next on the list. At the end of 2017, foyers, kitchens, and dining room renovations were complete on each floor in the Reservoir building. “It’s the simple things like having a foyer, which acts as a front porch bringing residents to engage with their neighbors,” says Joanne.
Another plan is to update the Hastings building with an outdoor patio where family members and residents can spend time together and enjoy the afternoon sun during the summer months. Pending the Department of Health approval and financial resources, construction is tentatively set to begin this summer. “When you have a community of small homes, you need a way to maximize the interactions of a large group of people, and that’s the community center. If people have a reason to go someplace, such as a movie or the grocery store, they will come down come off of their neighborhoods to do so. It gives families more opportunities to interact with their loved ones,” concludes Joanne.