A Special Recognition for South 6
The dedicated team on South 6 were called into the dining room last Thursday afternoon for a reason they were not expecting! Neighborhood Administrator Erica Schmidt took the floor and began by saying “if I had to think of one word to describe South 6 it would be family,” and she continued by saying ” South 6 has always held a special place in my heart.” Schmidt opened with these words to establish the theme that this group of special resident caregivers sees no only themeselves as a family, but also views each of the elders for which they provide care and their respective loved ones also as family.
The particular impetus for the gathering was for Schmidt to share with the team a special recognition given in honor of a beloved resident who recently passed, Lynette Canfield. Lynn’s sister Karen wanted to thank the team for the love and care they provided to her sister and the impact they have had on the extended family. Schmidt said “we have had the privilege of knowing so many elders, Lynette being one very special part of our lives,” and emphasized further “thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your absolute super human ability to love.”
Karen and her family appropriately selected as their recongition gift a framed poem entitled “Caretakers of Dignity.” This poem speaks of preserving dignity of those in their last years of life and the special work St. John’s staff do. “When shadows lengthen and the sun has spent it’s last rays, the caretakers of dignity lift a weary face in it’s final days.”
St. John’s CEO Charlie Runyon and Vice President of Skilled Care Nate Sweeney joined in recongizing the team for their heroic efforts during these challenging months of the pandemic.
Also as part of the celebration, Schmidt gave an important shout out to the “fearless personality,” as she puts it, who “is the glue that held this floor together.” Melanie Meyvis was given a special gift and flowers in recongition for all she does in her role as a team leader and for being a big “part of why South 6 feels like home.”
To see the WHAM13 Bright Spot the team received for this recongition, click here.