Events with R.I.T. Show ‘Brighter Side’ of Long-Term Care

A growing collaboration between St. John’s Home and Rochester Institute of Technology was featured in a story published by one of the nation’s leading resources for nursing home news.
McKnight’s Long-Term Care News reported on two events hosted at St. John’s in recent weeks—the Cupid Shuffle Prom that brought several R.I.T. students for a fun afternoon of games and activities on February 18 and the Balloon Volleyball Tournament that followed on March 4. “College students, long-term care residents kick off new relationship at prom,” an article by Foster Stubbs, highlights how meaningful intergenerational programs can be for residents living in long-term care facilities, not to mention the students who participate.
St. John’s Therapeutic Recreation Specialist AmySue Ras described the event for Stubbs, noting how easy the R.I.T. student contingent that participated in the prom event were to work with. “They were fabulous. I was very impressed with the whole entire group and their work ethic,” Ras said about the group of some two dozen students.
A few weeks later, a handful of the students returned with some new faces for a Saturday afternoon of balloon volleyball.
Read the McKnight’s Brighter Side article featuring the partnership between St. John’s and R.I.T.

What is great about this budding partnership is that plans are already in place for future events between St. John’s residents and the college students. “We have a Lilac Festival here in Rochester in May and the event usually kicks off with a parade. We’re going to actually have some of those students come back and help bring our elders outside and enjoy the parade,” said Ras. “This is an amazing connection that we just stumbled upon, and the students had so much fun. They just want to come back and give, which I think is amazing.”
Additionally, a second Cupid Shuffle Prom at St. John’s Home is already on the calendar for next February!