Residents Build St. John’s First Sukkah for Sukkot

“It’s a labor of love,” Abe Vigoda told WROC TV Channel 8. The St. John’s Meadows resident was recently featured in a segment by the local news station for his newest carpentry project.
Vigoda, along with a few other residents, spend a lot of time in St. John’s Meadows’ woodshop. Their most recent creation — a Sukkah, or temporary hut decorated in fall decor– will help residents celebrate the week-long Jewish holiday of Sukkot. Vigoda and other residents finished the wooden structure, which is the first of its kind to be built at St. John’s Meadows and is located in the courtyard of Chestnut Court.
Vigoda told the news station that building the structure connected him to his religion and home culture of Israel. “It gives me a feeling of my faith,” he said. “That’s what it is.”
The hut will be able to be used every year for St. John’s Meadows’ Sukkot celebrations.
Watch the WROC segment, “Senior community residents build Sukkah.”