Learning Program Partners St. John’s Elders with Nazareth Students
In the beginning of Dr. David Steitz’s career, his aging studies courses looked much different than they do now. “There would be 150 college students sitting in front of me,” explains Dr. Steitz, then a 22-year-old graduate student at Syracuse University. “I’d be talking about what it’s like to grow old, because that’s what the text book said growing old was like. It was lame.”
Read MoreBeloved Employee Says Goodbye After 19 Years
Ask any staff member, elder or volunteer at St. John’s Home to describe Lori Lorraine, and it will not take long to sense what she has meant to her work family.
Read MoreSt. John’s Home Auxiliary Celebrates Years of Service
Staff, elders, and St. John’s Home Auxiliary members gathered on December 3 for a luncheon to celebrate the group’s over 115 years of service as they part ways. The Auxiliary has helped St. John’s elders immeasurably throughout the years by creating meaningful relationships and activities.
Read More“Charlie’s Chats” Aim to Update and Inform St. John’s Staff
Every six months, St. John’s President and CEO Charlie Runyon hosts “Charlie’s Chats” to keep employees updated on important topics throughout the St. John’s organization. He spent December 9 conducting a total of 8 such chats throughout the day and well into the night at both St. John’s Home and St. John’s Meadows. His presentation focused on informing staff about St. John’s 2016 strategic plan in addition to various updates across each entity of the St. John’s organization.
Read MoreHoliday Event Illuminates St. John’s Home
For nearly a quarter century, St. John’s Home has marked the beginning of the holiday season in a unique way. Falling on the first Sunday of each December since 1992, the Illumination of Love event serves as much more than simply a tree lighting ceremony. It is a chance for elders living at St. John’s to show off their home as it basks in the glow of the radiant light of the season. This holiday celebration also provides elders, family members, staff, volunteers, and any other member of the St. John’s family with the opportunity to dedicate a light in the memory of a loved one.
Read MoreRebecca Priest Named One of RBJ’s 40 Under 40
Congratulations to our Administrator of Skilled Nursing Rebecca Priest on being named one of the Rochester Business Journal’s 40 under 40!
Read MoreNew Grant Awarded for Small Homes
St. John’s has been successful in securing a three year grant for $437,000 from the Greater Rochester Health Foundation (GRHF) for dementia training and education as related to small homes development. The grant will allow St. John’s Educator/Dementia Quality of Life Specialist Mimi DeVinney to train dementia advocates and ancillary staff members to increase support for elders living with dementia.
Read MoreResidents Learn Facebook from Local College Students
“It was fantastic meeting young people who know things that can help me learn to use Facebook, but the real significance and wonderful thing about the experience was meeting them,” says St. John’s Meadows resident Art Trimble.
Read MoreSt. John’s Holistic Fair Featured on McKnight’s Senior Living
St. John’s recent Holistic Fair was featured on McKnight’s Senior Living’s In Focus section of their website! The article gave an event recap along with a photo and caption.
Read MoreAuthors of Book “Singing in the Rain” Visit St. John’s
Vicky Ruppert and Ann Henderberg, authors of the book “Singing in the Rain: Weathering the Storm of Dementia with Humor, Love, and Patience” gave an insightful, informative presentation at St. John’s Home on October 15.
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